Creeping Forward

We finally passed the rebar inspection for first half of the foundation repair. The inspector came on Thursday morning did a quick check of the architectural drawings and the placement of rebars and gave us the go ahead to pour the concrete. Our general contractor was able to call in the concrete truck to come in the afternoon. It was a very exciting event for me and Justin, but he was unable to make it to the job site to witness the foundation being poured. As a child, he used to love to sit and watch concrete trucks working across the street on his front lawn. The little tyke called them peanut butter trucks. We ordered the maximum amount of 9 cubic feet of concrete for one truck load which turned out to be about 3/4 cubic feet short of what was needed to finish the job. So we made a quick dash to Larms Building Material in East Oakland and got a trailer of mixed concrete with barely enough time to unload the stuff and return the empty trailer by 4:30pm in rush hour. Unfortunately, we didn't order enough concrete to finish the job. Ugh! Oh yeah, I had to pay $1100 for the concrete mixing truck and $240 for the concrete pouring truck and the additional $96 for the half trailer of concrete, so total job cost was about $1500, not including labor.

No work was done the next day, Friday, because the concrete needed time to harden. Saturday was Chinese New Year's eve, so workers got the day off. Work was supposed to resume on Monday, but we went to the job site today and nobody was there, no really sure what happened, hopefully they will be there tomorrow to continue work on the other half of the foundation. The frustrating part is that once the rebar is in for the other half of the building, another inspection will be required before the concrete can be poured. I will be so relieved once this whole foundation thing is out of the way.

Concrete mixing truck. 

Concrete pouring truck.

Filling up with concrete.

Ran out of concrete before the whole thing's filled.

The additional 1/2 cubic feet that required manual unloading and shoveling.

After pouring.


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