Happy Day!
Today marks the first time I will be home alone for the next 7 or so hours since the birth of the little D. I feel so free and liberated! As much as I love my little person, it's almost impossible to get anything done without interruption. I will finally have some time to catch up on getting some work done around the house and sending out some emails and writing a letter to a friend!
I wrote the above paragraph two weeks ago but got distracted and didn't get to sort of finish it until now. I didn't get around to writing the letter or planting the two hostas that's been sitting in their containers for the last three months. But tomorrow is another "free day", so hopefully I can tackle some of the unfinished tasks on the list while the little one is at daycare.
I wrote the above paragraph two weeks ago but got distracted and didn't get to sort of finish it until now. I didn't get around to writing the letter or planting the two hostas that's been sitting in their containers for the last three months. But tomorrow is another "free day", so hopefully I can tackle some of the unfinished tasks on the list while the little one is at daycare.
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