It's That Time Of The Year Again! Part 2
With D in daycare for the second day in a row, I was able to finish most of the work I had planned to do in the garden since it was sunny out again. But the sun kept disappearing behind the cloudy sky, threatening to rain on me. I hustle my behind and found different spots around the yard to plant all the little pots of seedlings I bought from the Annie's Annuals last weekend.
In the process of clearing out the weeds (it's a little geranium ground cover that self germinates and grows like crazy this time every year) I discovered some plants I put in the ground from last summer have come back to life. The survivors from last year's planting have grown so much, which makes me so happy. I don't have a black thumb after all, but not completely green either. I feel like I am getting a little better, growing, along with my plants.
In the process of clearing out the weeds (it's a little geranium ground cover that self germinates and grows like crazy this time every year) I discovered some plants I put in the ground from last summer have come back to life. The survivors from last year's planting have grown so much, which makes me so happy. I don't have a black thumb after all, but not completely green either. I feel like I am getting a little better, growing, along with my plants.
All the plants I bought from Annie's Annuals over the weekend, mostly flowers and couple of grasses. |
I planted this little guy in the back of the house. It's a little lonely for now because it's all by itself. So I surrounded with bricks to make it a little more special. |
This was taken last summer after I pulled out all the weeds. |
Then I went on a planting frenzy in the middle of summer and filled up the space. |
Both the Echium Wildpretii "Tower of Jewels" and the Euphorbia I planted last summer have grown a lot. |
Here is the same plant looking happier this year. |
This corner of the house is a problem area for ferns. The fern on the left didn't survive. |
I took a cutting of nasturtium from a friend's yard last fall. |
This is how big it's gotten. No flowers yet, just really big leaves. |
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