Saying Adieu to an Old Friend
Ok, maybe I am being a little melodramatic. I said my finally goodbye to our first "grown-up" couch. It was Ikea's Kramfors leather sofa in dark brown. When we first moved in together four years ago, we had no furniture to speak of besides a table and a dresser. We had a borrowed futon as our couch and the futon pad would never stay on the frame. We've finally had it after couple of months of slip and slide so started our search for a new sofa. We fell in love with the Kramfors sofa but didn't want to pay the full price of $900. I waited patiently and found one on Craigslist for a lot less. Four years later, the sofa came with us to the new house and we had no intention of replacing it. But it gradually became clear to us that the sofa just didn't work in our new place. And now thanks to Craigslist, our old sofa has found a new home with a nice Korean couple. On the night that they were coming to check out the couch, there was a road closure on the way, so they had to take a detour and what should have been a one hour drive turned into four! When they finally arrived with toddler daughter in tow it was already 9:30pm. My asking price was lower than the other sellers on Craigslist, but when the wife ask for a discount I relented because I felt bad that they had to drive for so long to get here. I am also hoping my Craigslist karma will lead me to a good bargain on my next purchase. :)
Our old apartment. The living room was tiny and the couch took up a lot of room, but we were able to seat three people comfortably on it when need be.
Another view of the couch in our small apartment.
First day at our new house. I don't have any photos of couch in this room after all the stuff was put away. I wish I had one though.
After we bought our new sectional sofa, the Kramfors was stored in one of the apartments that we use to store my art stuff and Justin's music stuff.
This is one of the last pictures of the Krampfors. I know we've out grown it, but there is a part of me that was really sad to see it go. We spent many a night lounging on it; watching tv, reading, was one of the last remnants of our lives in that little apartment. Our first big purchase together. Oh and the Krampfors have been discontinued, so I will probably never see another one again...? Anyways, I feel stupid for being so sentimental, it's only a mass produced couch after all. I will miss it though, the wonderful couch that served us well for over three years...
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