Yard Work

I have been focusing on making the yard a little more organized because there's not much I can do on the inside of the house right now. At least until the sheetrock guys are done, which they are supposed to today!

Last weekend, Justin and I spend two full days on trimming and whacking the weeds out of our unruly yard. So happy that I found someone on Craigslist who's been taking a lot of the plants that we are trying to get rid of for his yard. So far, he's taken the sad little palm in our side yard, some succulents, a jade plant, a bougainvillea (we have five of them on one fence), and a yellow hedge.

Anyway, it was hard work, but the weather was super nice, so I didn't mind working outside in the hot sun. I always forget to take a before picture before the work starts. Here are some before and afters.

This patch of sidewalk was so over grown with plants and weeds that trash often get trapped in there. I took some of the plants out and trim the others back. The empty space will be filled with bricks from our old foundation/chimney. We've also been trying to trim the big loquat tree, it's filled with rotting fruits right now.

I gave away a of bunch of bricks for free on Craigslist, but saved some for small projects in the yard. Maybe that will save me a few bucks on dumping fees.

I found a taker for the two squished together plants and paved in the empty space. I think it looks a lot better and offers better access.

Okay, it's only half way there and it looks like the lavender plant I dug up from our yard is not going to survive its' new home on the sidewalk. I've been looking for an appropriate replacement plant. What do you think about a dwarf peach tree or blue berry bush?

I liked the palm tree, was sad to see it go, but it was overshadowed by all these giants trees around it. At least I know it went to a good home. 

Two full green compost bins and eight bags of tree and weed trimmings later, we took a few days off this week to recover and rejuvenate.


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